
Github provides in my opinion a very powerfull way to easily express yourself nicely on the Internet. But as I’m a lazy person being able to write a page in the simple markdown form wasn’t enough. I’d also need an easy way to test my pages without having to commit each change.

Docker !

I created a docker image that emulates the github-pages behavior. Actually Github provides the “application”, I just had to build the minimal env around it. This image strictly uses what is provided by github-pages.

At the time I write this, github-pages uses Jekyll 3.0.4 which simply ignores jekyll-watch. In other words you can’t use the powerfull auto-regeneration feature of Jekyll. I provide a fix in the Issue section, but it is at the cost of derivating from github-pages and upgrading Jekyll.

To launch a container, move to your folder and type: $docker run --rm --name jekyll --volume=$(pwd):/srv/jekyll -it -p sabbasth/github-pages

Then just go to http://localhost:4000 on your favorite browser!


To fix the auto-regeneration issue, I had to upgrade Jekyll to the current release (3.1.3 as of now). I did an image to simplify this hard work ! just pull sabbasth/github-pages:watch instead of sabbasth/github-pages